
Pathways to Health

October 29, 2024

Did you Know?

E. coli is a bacteria commonly found in the intestines of humans and animals. While most strains are harmless, certain types, including those that are capable of producing Shiga toxins, can cause severe illness. Most people with a Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) infection start feeling sick three to four days after eating or drinking something that contains the bacteria. However, illnesses can start anywhere from one to 10 days after exposure. Learn more.

Increasing Access to Culturally Relevant Foods

SWCAHEC collaborated with regional clinics, community organizations/ agencies, and schools to bring 12 indigenous cooking classes and workshops to the communities of Southwestern Colorado. We emphasized the importance of connecting the community with Indigenous food experts. Each class highlighted one or more Indigenous ingredients such as, sumac berries, blue corn, juniper ash and many more. We were inspired by the participation of the community and knowledge by indigenous food experts! Please view SWCAHEC’s Indigenous Food page to learn more about the topics we covered. We thank the SNAP-Ed for American Indian Communities in Colorado for supporting this project. Additionally, we owe a special thank you to our regional partners and the community of Southwestern Colorado for the collaboration and participation of each class and workshop.

Interested in future collaboration of Indigenous foods cooking classes or workshops? Please contact RHC, Chelsie at [email protected]

Suicide Prevention
75% of Suicide deaths in La Plata County are men, 12% of which are construction workers. Refer yourself or loved ones to the 18-point head inspection by visiting www.mantherapy.org. For additional resources and information email Sydney at [email protected] or visit La Plata County Suicide Prevention (lpcgov.org).

If you have lost someone to suicide please consider joining our International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day event, Nov 23rd 11:30-1:30pm at the Durango Public Library. This is a great way to honor our loved ones and learn about available resources in our community. Registration at: https://durango-colorado.isosld.afsp.org/

Pediatric Psychiatry in Acute Care Settings

The Colorado Pediatric Psychiatry Consultation & Access Program (CoPPCAP) is offering this four-session ECHO series to educate emergency department providers about common pediatric mental health concerns encountered in acute care settings. Topics include legal considerations in acute care, addressing suicidality and non-suicidal self injury, management of agitation and acute behavioral concerns, pediatric psychopharmacology and substance use disorders in emergency settings.

Prescribing providers (MD, DO, NP, PA) working in emergency medicine

Four weekly ECHO sessions held virtually
Wednesdays 8:30 - 9:30 AM MT
October 30 - November 20

Travel Nursing – How to ensure a good experience

In this webinar you’ll learn more about what to expect if you are considering travel nursing as a career option. Get tips on getting started, interviews and contracts, assignments and living arrangements, and working with a new team. Uncover the key attributes that define an exemplary travel nurse and invaluable tips for developing the ideal support network. Prepare to embark on a fulfilling career path armed with the knowledge and guidance to thrive in the world of travel nursing.
  • Discuss items to consider when exploring and getting started in a career in travel nursing
  • Identify what to look for in a recruiter/agency
  • Describe attributes of a successful travel nurse


  • National Center for Farmworker’s Health is hosting a series of Learning Collaboratives. More information can be found here.
  • Sources of Strength is offering multiple upcoming information sessions and webinars. Details and registration information can be found on the Sources of Strength Events webpage.
  • Mark your calendar and plan to join The 2024 Colorado Food is Medicine Summit. This one-day event brings together policy and practice leaders from across the state to engage in insightful discussions and explore strategies to increase access to essential nutrition programs. Join us at The Summit and help continue this vital momentum! Registration details and cost to follow. Event Details: Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 8am-4pm, History Colorado Center.
Photo: MDAnderson Center

Breastfeeding lowers your breast cancer risk

Research shows mothers who breastfeed lower their risk of pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer. And, breastfeeding longer than the recommended six months can provide additional protection,” says Lindsey Wohlford, wellness dietitian.

Jasha Lyons Echo-Hawk, Intertribal founder of Indigenous Milk Medicine Week. Image courtesy Indigenous Milk Medicine Week.

Rematriating Milk Medicine: Indigenous Breastfeeding Rates on the Rise

“We survived the Long Walk because of human milk, our grandmas being persistent about breastfeeding,” said Amanda Singer, Project Director of the Navajo Breastfeeding Coalition. Had the infants and babies perished, the entire nation might have followed. “It was food that was provided by the holy ones for the future generations.”

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