Career Advancement
Continuing Education and Support Programs for Health Professionals

SWCAHEC supports area health professionals including primary care providers, nurses, dentists, physical therapists, and mental health providers to name a few.  By facilitating and providing various evidence-based training opportunities, continuing education, and award programs, SWCAHEC assists health professionals in advancing their careers and in providing quality healthcare for patients.

Learning Opportunities

SWCAHEC facilitates access to University-based lectures and continuing education opportunities, including CME credit opportunities and web-streaming, live links, or archived links.

Echo Colorado

ECHO-CO is a virtual training experience that blends brief didactic presentations and case-based learning, using video-technology. ECHO-CO connects cohorts of learners to improve capacity for both clinical care and public health in Colorado.

Current and future ECHO topics include:

Cancer Survivorship
Patient Navigation
Developmental Pediatrics
Hepatitis C
Integrating Tobacco Cessation Services into Primary Care

Take a look at the Introductory Video! CLICK HERE. For more information or to register for a session:

HPV Vaccination

The National AHEC Organization has partnered with the CDC to provide training and resources about the HPV vaccine to improve the very low rates of HPV vaccination across the country. Click the banner to link to the CDC website for resources and information. To download and print informational flyers for patients and consumers, click HERE.

Local Opportunities

SWCAHEC partners with local hospitals and community-based organizations to increase access to a wide variety of local continuing education opportunities, such as providing coordination and training of Chronic Disease Self-Management Classes and Patient Navigator Trainings.