Nutrition Pathway
Nutrition studies the relationship between nutrients in food and the human body. There are multiple routes and concentrations when majoring in Nutrition, some include Public Health, Community Nutrition, Pre-medicine, or Dietetics.
Registered Dietitian
Registered Dietitians are certified experts in food science. They help people find the best foods to meet their specific health needs, along with treating clinical conditions. Below is a local pathway to becoming an RD.
RDs or RDNs work in:
• Healthcare facilities, hospitals, &clinics
• Sports nutrition & wellness programs
• Private practice
• Community & public health settings
• Research areas
• Food & nutrition-related business & industries.

**IMPORTANT: Pathway to becoming an RD/RDN will require a master’s degree starting January 1,2024
Diversity in Dietetics
In the U.S. there are approximately 100,000 credentialed practitioners – registered dietitians, diet technicians, and other dietetic professionals who hold an undergraduate degree in Nutrition & Dietetics. The racial differences are, 74.8% identify as White, 4% as Asian, 3.3% as Latinx, 2.5% as Black, and 1% as Native American. It is also a field primarily dominated by professionals who identify as female. Diversity in dietetics is important because most underlying health conditions and food insecurity are within low income and underserved communities, therefore, it better serves these areas when representation and inclusivity are present.
Discussions with a Registered Dietitian
View the Video – Chat with RD’s- Part 1
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