Pathways to Healthcare Careers

SWCAHEC provides pipeline programs that introduce students to a variety of healthcare career options, connects them with training resources, and helps support them in their chosen path.

A career in healthcare offers many rewards and there are so many different kinds of jobs in the field. We provide resources that will help you learn more about healthcare careers. What are the different healthcare careers? What kind of skills and knowledge are needed for these careers? What kind of education do I need? What are the approximate salaries for these positions? The resources below will answer those questions and more!

Nursing Career Pathways

Allied Health Profession Pathway

Behavioral Health Pathway

Behavioral Health Pathway – Download video

Oral Heath Profession Pathway

Oral Healthcare Pathway Video

Nutrition Pathway

Physician Pathway (Coming soon)

Public Health Pathway

Exercise Physiology Pathway (Coming soon)

Mentoring Series – details coming soon

Valuable Healthcare Career Resources

How can I prepare for a career in healthcare?

The SWCAHEC Pre-Healthcare Career Portfolio

The SWCAHEC Pre-Healthcare Career Portfolio contains some of the skills that are essential to pursuing a career in healthcare. Participants will be responsible for tracking their progress toward these skills by recording events, coursework, and other learning experiences in this portfolio. SWCAHEC will have resources online including recorded workshops and links to related resources and content that will contribute to the completion of the portfolio. Participants are also welcome at all appropriate SWCAHEC trainings and workshops and staff will connect participants with resources in the community that would build their portfolios. Please contact Kate Hartzell at with questions.

For the SWCAHEC Student Portfolio click here